Benefits of Aloe Vera

What is Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel is extracted from the leaves of an aloe plant. It is the most popular plant, which comes with several benefits. The Aloe plant is well-known in the beauty and healthcare industries due to its healing properties. This spiky-leaved plant is grown in dry and tropical climates in Asia, Africa, Europe, and some parts of the United States. It has been used by Chinese, North Americans, Mexicans, and Indians. People love to grow this plant in their home gardens.

Interestingly, this plant was also known as the “plant of immortality” and was presented as a funeral gift to Egyptian pharaohs. The name indicates the importance of this precious plant. Since many people do not like the texture and taste of gel, aloe vera extracts are also available in supplements.

Aloe vera extract is an excellent source of folic acid, Vitamins (A, C, and E), calcium, beta-carotene, and magnesium.  This loaded extract has multiple benefits for all. Let us look into the multiple benefits of this unique extract.

Uses of aloe vera extract for health conditions

Aloe vera gel has also proved to be curative for several health conditions. Aloe vera gel extracts are being used to cure the following health conditions:

  • High cholesterol
  • Digestive problems
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Diabetes
  • Heart problems
  • Renal disorder
  • Blood sugar levels
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Dental plaque

Uses of aloe vera extract for skin

Aloe vera gel extracts are very popular in the skincare industry. Its gel is used in personal-care products and cosmetics such as soap, suntan lotion, moisturizer, and shaving cream. It is sold in many drug stores to soothe a sunburn.

Several studies have proven the soothing and healing effects of aloe vera extracts for several skin conditions. Following skin conditions can be treated by the usage of this amazing extract:    

Uses of aloe vera extract for hair

Aloe vera gel is a blessing for people having hair related problems.  Letting this gel sit and penetrate your scalp will improve the dry and damaged hair. It can be rinsed with water or washed off using a mild shampoo.

Following are the hair benefits provided by aloe vera gel extracts:

  • Deep cleanses the oily scalp
  • Soothes and itchy scalp
  • Repairs and strengthens hair strands
  • Promotes hair growth
  • It makes hair thick

Take away message

Aloe vera gel extracts are being commonly used due to their several benefits. This beautiful plant has more to offer than just ‘looks’. Commonly available near your area, it can be easily consumed by many people. However, direct intake of the gel can be detrimental to health for some people. Although it has many benefits in the medical industry, the FDA has not allowed over-the-counter medicines of aloe gel due to its side effects. Therefore, they must be consumed in the form of supplements where your doctor recommends dosage. We offer you the FDA-approved aloe vera extract supplements for your health conditions, skin/hair related problems. Contact us to get more information regarding the aloe gel supplements.


1. Mikołajczak, N. (2018). Potential health benefits of Aloe vera. Journal of Education, Health and Sport, 8(9), 1420-1435.
2. Christaki, E. V., & Florou-Paneri, P. C. (2010). Aloe vera: a plant for many uses. J Food Agric Environ, 8(2), 245-249.
3. Surjushe, A., Vasani, R., & Saple, D. G. (2008). Aloe vera: a short review. Indian journal of dermatology, 53(4), 163.
4. Rajeswari, R., Umadevi, M., Rahale, C. S., Pushpa, R., Selvavenkadesh, S., Kumar, K. S., & Bhowmik, D. (2012).
Aloe vera: the miracle plant its medicinal and traditional uses in India. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 1(4), 118-124.
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Dr Mariyam – MD is working at Nishtar Hospital, one of the most prestigious institutions. She belongs to the rare progeny of healthcare professionals registered with the Medical Commission as Registered Medical Practitioners (RMPs).

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